WLP001 California Ale - White Labs Yeast Pure Pitch Next Gen

Item Number: 82-001

Sale price$21.99
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California Ale Yeast White Labs WLP001

Fermentation Temp Range (°F): 68-73
Apparent Attenuation Range (%): 73-80
Flocculation: Medium
Alcohol Tolerance: High, 10-15%

Pitching/Fermentation: Produces diacetyl and fusels if reproduction stage is over 71°F or excessively underpitched. Poor attenuation if below 60°F. Serial pitching will result in an extremely (88%+) attenuative yeast after 6-7 generations. Mild citrus notes develop with cooler (60-66°F) fermentations.

Notes: This yeast is famous for its clean flavors, balance, and ability to be used in almost any ale style. It accentuates the hop flavors and is extremely versatile. Low fruitiness, mild ester production. Normally requires filtration for bright beers.

Best Styles: Most American Styles

Looking for a Liquid or Dry Yeast Substitution? The brewers at Adventures in Homebrewing have tried most of them. The following are some suggestions that have worked for us.
Liquid Yeast Substitutions: Wyeast 1056, Omega-04
Dry Yeast Substitutions: Safale US-05, LalBrew BRY-97, Mangrove Jack M44

Want to make a Yeast Starter? Home brewers are always led to believe making a yeast starter is for the advanced brewer. This could not be further from the truth. If anything beginning brewers should start with yeast starters. When you think about it they are nothing more than a small extract brew. Show Me How To Make A Yeast Starter

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Daniel Katarsky
good work

will have more to write when the first fermentation is complete but so far......going exactly as hoped. Of course, the final outcome will be the true test.

Holy Ghost Homebrew
Super yeast for our Imperial IPA

White Labs 001 is our go to yeast for brewing our Imperial IPA. It has a high alcohol tolerance which we need to brew our 12% +/- concoction we’ve been working on. We lovingly call it Crucifixion for obvious reasons. My son and me have almost perfected it and WL-001 has never let us down.


I keep coming back to White Labs California Ale because I get reliable, repeatable results. I've also had good luck with White Labs in general. My most recent brew was a Russian Imperial Stout and this worked great. I didn't do a starter, so I just pitched four packs (just to be sure it could stand up against this big brew). You may be reading this review wondering about AIH shipping yeast to you quickly and without dead yeast cells. No worries there! The folks at AIH know what they're talking about. If you have questions or concerns, give them a call before ordering and they'll help you make a shipping decision that works best for your situation. They are customer-focused and fellow lovers of the craft (of brewing)!

Larry Allen
Love White Lab yeast

I live in the north east and prefer to use live yeast for brewing all year long. White Labs yeast seems to travel well during the Summer months, when it can become very hot during shipping. I have never had an issue with the yeast not working.

thomas s gregg
Always good

My favorite yeast so far has never failed so far.

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