Utterly Good Milk Stout Recipe Kit

Item Number: k99-2951

Sale price$39.99


It's just that good!
Utterly Good Milk Stout Recipe Kit

Do you remember the commercial with the chocolate farm next to the chocolate stream by the chocolate field with the chocolate cows that made the best chocolate milk? Now replace the Chocolate with Stout... Its just that good.

Yield : 5 Gallons
Original Gravity : 1.052
Final Gravity : 1.018
Color / SRM : Dark Brown
Alcohol by Volume : 4.50%
IBU (anticipated, alpha acids can fluctuate) : 30

Specialty Grains : Chocolate, Caramel 120L, Flaked Barley
Hops : Perle, Kent Goldings

Recipe Includes : Liquid Malt, Specialty Grains in a grain bag & Hops
View The Utterly Good Milk Stout Recipe Kit Instructions here.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Robert Gentry
Moo yeah!

Hands down the best milk stout I have ever tasted! We blew through the five gallon batch in a couple weeks. This is now on my short list.

Gary Cooper
Yummy Milk Stout

Received this kit as birthday present. Didn't open package for a month with kit sitting in basement. Found my son ordered kit with suggested White Labs liquid yeast. Two weeks in primary, then worried about the yeast I recast with Safale S-04 for an extra week. Bottled and waited.... Turned out excellent! We love Left Hand Brewings Milk Stout on Nitro. Not quite there, but very good Milk Stout. You will enjoy this kit.

Patrick Caton
So far, so good

Just kegged this yesterday and had a taste before letting it condition some more. It tasted great! I would/will definitely make this again.

Mike Larkin
Great Milk Stout

It passed the stout test with my wife and Dad who are both stout lovers. Came out smooth, but I wouldn't say it was creamy or too sweet. It was just a solid brew for the money. If you like stouts with good flavor, but not overly complex, you'll love this. I'll order this again.

Brian Manley
First 5 Gallon Batch

This was the second thing I brewed. The first was a one gallon all-grain kit you can pick up. It was good but not great, too cloudy. So I went to AiH in Ann Arbor. Bought enough stuff to do a full boil, and this recipe. After it started warming up, but before the snow all melted away I made it. Well five weeks later and I finally get to try it. It is wonderful. So good I'm surprised I made it, lol. Anyway if you like milk stouts, or stouts in general give this a try.

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