Siren's Song Double Red Ale Recipe Kit

Mermaids are sometimes associated with perilous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks, and drownings. In other traditions they are portrayed as benevolent, falling in love with humans.
Mermaids are associated with the mythological Greek sirens. In 1493, sailing off the coast of Hispaniola, Columbus reported seeing three "female forms" which "rose high out of the sea. The logbook of Blackbeard, an English pirate, records that he instructed his crew on several voyages to steer away from charted waters which he called "enchanted" for fear of merfolk or mermaids, which Blackbeard himself and members of his crew reported seeing. These sighting were often recounted and shared by sailors and pirates who believed that mermaids brought bad luck and would bewitch them into giving up their gold and dragging them to the bottom of the sea.

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