Adventures in Homebrewing Margarita Mead Kit
This kit will make 5 gallons of sweet based mead.
What's Included:
12 Pounds of Honey
View The Rita's Margarita Mead Instructions here.
This kit will make 5 gallons of sweet based mead.
What's Included:
12 Pounds of Honey
7 Pounds of Agave Nectar
Bitter Orange Peel
Sweet Orange Peel
1 Dram Lime Oil
AIH Additive Pack
Pre-Measured Amounts of the Following:
Acid Blend
Yeast Nutrient
Pectic Enzyme
Potassium Sorbate
Pre-Measured Amounts of the Following:
Acid Blend
Yeast Nutrient
Pectic Enzyme
Potassium Sorbate
Campden Tablets
Easy to Follow Instructions
Yeast sold separately.
*Honey will not ship in Glass Containers, Honey is shipped in Plastic Containers
Easy to Follow Instructions
Yeast sold separately.
*Honey will not ship in Glass Containers, Honey is shipped in Plastic Containers
So, Who is Rita?
Glad you asked. Rita is none other than Rita Hayworth. The most glamorous screen idol of the 1940s was born Margarita Carmen Cansino. The "love goddess" was born October 17, 1918 and lived until May 14, 1987. She was an American actress and dancer and appeared in a total of 61 films over 37 years. She was the top pin-up girl for GIs during World War II as well as for the brewers from Adventures in Homebrewing.
Legend has it that Danny Negrete, who is named as an inventor of the margarita, created the cocktail for a wedding gift for his sister-in-law, who was named Margarita. She was given this unique gift at the Garci Crespo Hotel. Interestingly enough, Negrete worked at Agua Cliente Race Track, where starlet Margarita Cansino (you might know her as Rita Hayworth) would often perform.

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