Mecca Grade Metolius (Munich-style) Malt 1 lb

Item Number: W063I

Sale price$4.99
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This munich-style malt produces a deep orange & brown color, this malt is the superior choice for brewing traditional styles like Bocks and Munich lagers. Metolius (pronounced - \met·OLE·ee·us\) - imparts a robust and warming malt profile that tastes exactly like a liquid, toasted, graham cracker.

This artisan malt comes from the small terroir in Central Oregon where the Mecca Grade Estate family farm and malthouse is located. Mecca grows their unique heirloom variety of barley inside a 2 mile radius around their own malthouse. Inside their malthouse, their processing innovation of Mechanically Floor Malting producing a consistency and depth of flavor that creates a premium, artisan line of malts. 8.7°L


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