Fruit Bazooka New England IPA All Grain Beer Recipe Kit

Item Number: B11493

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As you may have noticed, these days haze is all the craze in the IPA world. After many, many test batches we are proud to present our version of this juicy style - Fruit Bazooka NE IPA. Only mildly bitter, the hop charges in this beer recipe kit create a blast of in-your-face flavors ranging from ripe mango, orchard fruits, melon, lime and passion fruit to subtle pine and floral notes. Fruit Bazooka is perfectly hazy thanks to the use of flaked oats, wheat malt, massive dry hopping, and a relatively non-flocculent yeast strain. The name itself was suggested by a homebrewer who witnessed our first tasting notes. And as it implies, this brew is bursting with an intense payload of citrus and tropical fruitiness.

Brewing Notes:

  • Style: NE IPA
  • Fermentation Range: 75-80F
  • OG: 1.064
  • SRM: 4
  • IBUs: 50
  • ABV: 6.7%
Tasting Notes:
  • Aroma:Prominent fruit aromas of ripe tropical fruits, citrus and pineapple. Clean pilsner malt character.
  • Appearance:Light golden color with considerable haze. Firm white foam cap with good persistence.
  • Flavor:Reminiscent of a tropical fruit salad. Mango, peach, passionfruit and pineapple flavors with low pine and floral notes. Low to moderate bitterness. Clean pilsner malt background flavor.
  • Mouthfeel:Medium body with noticeable creaminess. Smooth, long, silky finish.
  • Overall Impression:Very hop-forward, but relatively low bitterness for an IPA. A medley of fruit flavors dominates the beer, while the soft pilsner malt quietly sits in the background. Very easy drinking for an ale of such strength.


Looking for the Extract Version?

Notes from Brad, Head Brewer:

"This recipe is the result of many test brews utilizing all sorts of techniques to achieve a well balanced NE style IPA. In order to maximize hop flavor while keeping bitterness restrained you will find that there are actually no boil hop additions in this kit. Instead, all of the hops are added after the boil and allowed to steep (whirlpool) for 20 minutes and then followed up with two separate dry hop additions. This serves to get the hop oils into the wort for great flavor and aroma, and the limited steep time only lets a relatively small amount of the total alpha acids to isomerize to create moderate bitterness. Because the yeast strain is a very important driver of flavor and appearance, we are only offering this recipe kit with two very similar liquid yeast strains. The low flocculation of this strain will help create the haze this style is known for, while also creating flavors of pineapple, mango and tropical fruits to accentuate the hops. If you really want to use a dry yeast strain, choose a relatively clean fermenting and lower flocculating strain and ferment on the high end of the temperature range to encourage increased ester production.

Click here for recipe kit instructions.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tim Vawter
So far so good

Brewed a week ago and currently in my fermenter. Smells great! Excited to get it on tap!

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