Abbaye Ale Yeast (Danstar) Belgian Ale Yeast Danstar for Belgian and Trappist Ales
Species: Ale
Fermentation Temp Range (°F) : 63-77
Apparent Attenuation Range (%): High
Flocculation : Medium-High
Alcohol Tolerance: Up to 12% ABV
Pitching/Fermentation: Traditional styles brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Belgian White, Belgian Blonde, Belgian Golden, Dubbel, Tripel, and Quad.
Notes: Abbaye Ale Yeast (Danstar) is an Ale yeast of Belgian origin. Selected for its ability to ferment Belgian-style beers ranging from low to high alcohol, Abbaye Ale Yeast (Danstar) produces the spiciness and fruitiness typical of Belgian and Trappist-style ales. When fermented at higher temperatures, typical flavors and aromas include tropical, spicy, and banana. At lower temperatures, Abbaye Ale Yeast (Danstar) produces darker fruit aromas and flavors of raisin, date, and fig.
Best Styles: Belgian Amber, Belgian Dark Strong, Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Golden Strong, Belgian Pale Ale, Belgian Quad, Belgian Trippel, Biere De Garde, Witbier
Looking for a Liquid or Dry Yeast Substitution? The brewers at Adventures in Homebrewing have tried most of them. The following are some suggestions that have worked for us.
Liquid Yeast Substitution : WLP500
Dry Yeast Substitution: Nottingham
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