WLP029 German Ale-Kolsch - White Labs Yeast Pure Pitch Next Gen

Item Number: 82-029

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German Ale/ Kölsch Yeast White Labs

Kölsch and Alt style beers. Good for light beers like blond and honey.

Species : Ale
Fermentation Temp Range (°F) : 65-69
Apparent Attenuation Range (%) : 72-78
Flocculation : Medium
Alcohol Tolerance : Medium 5-10%

Pitching/Fermentation : Does not do well under 62f unless already active

Notes : From a small brewpub in Cologne, Germany. Accentuates hop flavors, similar to White Labs 001. The slight sulfur produced during fermentation will disappear with age and leave a super clean, lager like ale.

Best Styles : Kölsch and Alt style beers. Good for light beers like blond and honey.

Looking for a Liquid or Dry Yeast Substitution? The brewers at Adventures in Homebrewing have tried most of them. The following are some suggestions that have worked for us.
Liquid Yeast Substitution : n/a
Dry Yeast Substitution : Nottingham, BRY-97 American West Coast Ale Yeast (Danstar)

Want to make a Yeast Starter? Home brewers are always led to believe making a yeast starter is for the advanced brewer. This could not be further from the truth. If anything beginning brewers should start with yeast starters. When you think about it they are nothing more than a small extract brew. Show Me How To Make A Yeast Starter

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Robert R French
Good Kolsch strain

This yeast strain is great for Kolsch style ales, ferments and settles out nicely, good flavor all around a nice performing strain. MAKE SURE TO ADD ICE TO YOUR ORDER, MINE ARRIVED IN 7 DAYS WARM (even during a cold spring)...I HAD TO PURCHASE ANOTHER PACK FROM A LOCAL SUPPLIER.

Ron Benner
Best kolsch yeast

Speedy shipping quality yeast. Ferments a crisp, clear kolsch.

Steven Ross
Very clean and strong yeast

I made a kolsch with Hallertau mittelfrueh and the floral notes really shine through. I fermented at 64F for 7 days, then 68F for 7 days. Attenuated to 80% with no diacetyl. Make a starter and give it a full 2 weeks to ferment and you will have a very flavorful and crisp kolsch.

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